Kurser i Domain-Driven Design - VĂ¥ren 2012

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Citerus Live!

This spring there will be plenty of opportunity to meet and interact with Citerus' consultants!

We will be at Jfokus 2008 in Kista, Stockholm, January 30. Peter Backlund will talk about the Grails framework and I will give a brief talk about the Specification pattern. Citerus is also sponsoring Jfokus and you can meet us at our booth in the exhibition area.

Lena Norman and Mikael Lundgren will be presenting at the Lean & Agile Software Development conference in Stockholm Februrary 5-6.

We are currently discussing further speaking engagement for later this spring and early summer. Watch this space for more info.

Hope to see you there!